Araí Monteforte
Energy Sector Director, Tetra Tech

Araí Monteforte is an energy economics, finance, and policy professional with 15 years of international and domestic consulting work for private companies and institutions such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States Trade and Development Association (USTDA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Ms. Monteforte currently serves as Chief of Party for USAID’s $29.7 million Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) II project, having also led the first iteration of SURE ($18 million). She leads a team of over 50 cross-cutting experts and project managers to deliver technical assistance across the globe to implement strategic energy planning, variable renewable energy grid integration, competitive procurement, and the circular economy, among other areas. She oversees all aspects of project and contract management to ensure compliance and high-quality delivery, on schedule and on budget. She also leads the startup and staffing of in-country and global activities. In addition, Ms. Monteforte is the program manager for Tetra Tech’s due diligence support for the MCC Burkina Faso Power Compact II and the regional West Africa Compact, focused on electricity generation, distribution, and transmission improvements and the development of electricity sector reform. Ms. Monteforte holds a Master of Arts in International Economics and Energy Policy from Johns Hopkins University, a Master of Science in Quality and Reliability Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and French.