Celine Kiden
Social Behavior Change (SBC) Advisor, Afia WASH South Sudan
Celine Kiden is a South Sudanese WASH expert. With more than 10 years’ experience, she has worked for various international organizations implementing mainly WASH activities in South Sudan. She holds an MSc in Public Health (MPH) from Oxford Brookes University, UK an Advanced postgraduate Diploma in Global Health Management & Policy (APGDGH-MP) from James Lind Institute Singapore and a BSc in Community Development from Nkumba University Entebbe Uganda.
She is currently the Social Behavior change (SBC) Advisor for Afia WASH (a 5-year USAID funded WASH project in South Sudan implemented by DT-Global). Her immediate experience is 7 years with the Health Pooled Funds project implemented by Crown Agents and - funded by UKaid, Canada, Sweden, USAID, Gavi and the European Union. Other experience includes 4 years with the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and 2 years with GOAL Ireland.
Over the years Celina has acquired immense experience in Management of WASH projects, Health, Gender Equity & Social Inclusion (GESI) activities. Her experience further includes areas of effective coordination, planning, financial management, quality assurance in both WASH and health service delivery, health system strengthening, M&E, report writing,mentorship & capacity building, review of technical reports & assets. Celine has lived through the impacts of climate change (South Sudan is prone to flooding), conflict and humanitarian activities.
She is currently the Social Behavior change (SBC) Advisor for Afia WASH (a 5-year USAID funded WASH project in South Sudan implemented by DT-Global). Her immediate experience is 7 years with the Health Pooled Funds project implemented by Crown Agents and - funded by UKaid, Canada, Sweden, USAID, Gavi and the European Union. Other experience includes 4 years with the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and 2 years with GOAL Ireland.
Over the years Celina has acquired immense experience in Management of WASH projects, Health, Gender Equity & Social Inclusion (GESI) activities. Her experience further includes areas of effective coordination, planning, financial management, quality assurance in both WASH and health service delivery, health system strengthening, M&E, report writing,mentorship & capacity building, review of technical reports & assets. Celine has lived through the impacts of climate change (South Sudan is prone to flooding), conflict and humanitarian activities.