John Glover
Vice President for Program Affairs, Senior Vice President of Programs and Policy, Plan International USA
Vice President for Program Affairs, Senior Vice President of Programs and Policy, Plan International USA
- Mr. John Glover is an experienced strategic leader with 25 years of international private sector and government management experience in emerging and developing countries. His professional experience covers a range of activities including strategy development, new business development, restructuring organizations and implementing change management, private sector engagement, privatization, investment and export promotion, workforce development, negotiating international transactions, and managing multi-national teams. In his leadership roles he is accustomed to working closely with senior U.S. and foreign Government officials, executives of donor agencies, and senior private sector executives.
Mr. Glover currently stands as Senior Vice President of Programs and Policy at Plan International USA. He previously served as a Director in PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Public Sector focused on developing the firm’s work with USAID in such areas as public sector transformation, private sector engagement, social media and urban issues. Prior to his role at PwC, Mr. Glover was a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton responsible for projects related to enterprise development, financial sector reform, and investment and export promotion. His professional career also includes working with a number of leading consulting firms such as Abt Associates, BearingPoint, IBM Business Consulting (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting), KPMG Consulting (formerly Barents Group) and Ernst & Young Consulting. He served as a Senior Advisor to the United States Agency for International Development for economic reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina and economic growth oriented projects in Central Eastern Europe. In addition, he worked for two Austrian banks, Creditanstalt Anlagenfinanzierung und Leasing GmbH (project finance subsidiary of Creditanstalt AG) and Laenderbank Exportbank AG (now Bank Austria), structuring international projects. His professional worked in Southeastern and Central Europe, Middle East and South Asia. His professional interests are in systemic change, public sector transformation, and urban issues.