Paul O'Brien
Executive Director, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA)
Sessions: Education & Workforce (Day 1, Afternoon)
Executive Director, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA)
Sessions: Education & Workforce (Day 1, Afternoon)

- Paul O'Brien is the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA (AIUSA). He was previously Vice President for Policy and Campaigns at Oxfam America where he oversaw research, policy, advocacy, and campaigning work to influence the US government and US corporations. Before joining Oxfam in 2007, he lived in Afghanistan for five years where he worked in the office of the President and the Ministry of Finance as an advisor on aid coordination, development planning, and policy reform. Prior to that, he worked for CARE International as their Afghanistan Advocacy Coordinator and Africa Policy Advisor. Previously, Paul was the President of the Echoing Green Foundation and a litigator in New York for Cravath, Swaine and Moore. He is the co-founder of the Legal Resources Foundation in Kenya and the founder of the Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium in Afghanistan, both of which are thriving organizations today. Paul has juris doctorate from Harvard Law School and has published on humanitarian policy, human rights, and emerging trends in development.