Tamzin Hudson
Consultant, Africa Futures and Innovation Programme

Tamzin has a Bachelors in International Relations from the University of the Witwatersrand, an Honours degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in International Studies from the University of Stellenbosch. She started her career in diplomacy working for South Africa’sDepartment of Foreign Affairs gaining expertise in diverse geographies from Africa and the Middle East with postings in South Asia, including India and Pakistan. After just over a decade in government she begun a law degree, through the University of South Africa and transitioned into the development sector with the National Democratic Institute where her focus was on women’s political participation and deepening and expanding democratic processes. More recently, she worked as a Manger for policy and advocacy, responsible for African operations with Habitat for Humanity International with expertise in land reform and tenure practices informality and the urban transition. She is currently a consultant in the Africa Futures and Innovation Programme.